8 December 2011

Sensible's shoes

It's raining again as Mr. Fish drives back towards Warninglid and recalls the many fine individuals who have played bass for the Fish Brothers over the years. Beginning with the legendary bass player for The Damned, Captain Sensible, Martin moves on to how Les came to be known as Pubshitter, what put the wind up Ste's kilt, the future of Blonde Wanton and how Baby David was obliged to defend his honour from the advances of Tommy Twinkle. After a digression on the initiation ritual that all Fish Brothers bass players have had to endure, the podcast ends with Didacoi Downs, Martin's musical tribute to another long-serving bass Fish, Chuffa Charnsworth.

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Sensible's shoes

24 November 2011

Vanarchy in the UK

In this episode, Martin talks about every band's essential mode of transport and occasional accommodation -- the van -- and pays tribute to The Duke, owner/driver of The Fishtank and later The Aquarium. The Fish Brothers' uncomfortable sleeping conditions while on tour with The Levellers lead to a bet, won under unfortunate circumstances. The Duke arranges for a large cannon to be discharged at The Brighton Centre and the fire alarm goes off in Brixton Academy. Martin loses his glasses in a van full of Stella and the podcast ends with the consequences of not paying attention at the petrol station.

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Vanarchy in the UK

10 November 2011

A shit fit for a king

Over the squeak of the windscreen wipers, Martin recalls the problems The Fish Brothers have had finding places to stay while on tour. After bringing happiness to the bedsit of Dr South and witnessing the amazing abilities of The Puke Maiden, the band are led astray by an accommodating young lady. Memories of a triumphant gig at Leicester Grabme Balls follow fond thoughts of the Sheffield Shit and the continental shelf system, and the podcast ends on a historical note with a tribute to the keeper of King Henry VIII's stools.

Click to play:
A shit fit for a king

15 October 2011

Have you ever seen a pop star when he's naked?

In this, the very first episode of Fish At The Wheel, Martin Fish recalls how in the early days of his first band Salad From Atlantis, everyone took their clothes off and Dave ate rabbit shit for a bet. After a smelly story about a credit card, Martin moves on to the tale of what happened when the Fish Brothers were locked into a bar without toilets after a gig in Germany.

Click to play:
Have you ever seen a pop star when he's naked?